Friday, December 4, 2009

Welcome to Cambodia!

We are here. It is 11:32 on Friday night in Phnom Penh. We are all doing well and just waiting for the last couple of bags before we head out of baggage claim. It has only been 24 hours since we left Atlanta....and we were in the air for nearly all of it =)

More to come once we get settled in, but wanted to let everyone know that we are all safe and sound in Cambodia. Thanks for your prayers!



  1. Thank God for travelling mercies.

  2. So glad to hear of your safe arrival. Hope all of you were able to get enough sleep to carry you through the rest of the day. Prayers continue to follow each of you on this journey. The true Spirit of Christmas lives in each one of you. Prayers and blessings on you.

  3. Yeah!! So excited to see how God uses you all!! Many prayers & love to all of you!
    ~Melissa (Noelle's big sis)

  4. YAY! So glad you're all there safe and sound! I'm all caught up on the blog entries, and MAN you guys have a great team! Continue to lift each other up throughout the week, and know that we'll be doing the same for all of you from back in ATL. (: Noelle, Tammy, Stuart, Dom, and mostly LISA.... sooo glad God put you on this team and I know you will all be huge blessings to these kids in Cambodia!

    Love to all...Carolyn
