Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Team Retreat -- Well, at least games.

Last weekend we had a team retreat where we did a major amount of planning mixed with a lot of fun.  One thing I'm always thinking thru when we are planning is what is going to be new/exciting/different for the kids.  I love, love, love to see their eyes light up when they get to do something they have never done.  And my prayer is that in all of what we are doing the kids are learning how much they are loved, not only by us team members, but by God.  I'm getting excited about what our mission is going to look like!

All of the pictures were taken with my phone but we didn't think to take any pictures of the team being normal.  Only pictures of the games that we played.  Does this tell you something about our team?!?!?!

The people on the left (Darrel, Robbie, and Garrett)
 are about to put their face in a tin of flour to find gum
and then blow a bubble...

I (Kristie) find this waaaay too funny!

Darrel, Garrett, and Robbie

Game #2:  Pulling Kleenex out of the container, one at a
time.  Somehow both of our leaders (Stuart and Noelle)
chose this game... but Sara won!

Billy, Melanie and I had to eat a banana thru pantyhose
 over our face.   I'm only showing the before on this one...