Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Healthy Living for the Lord

Well mostly recovered I got to experience my full first day with the kids. Wow was I surprised at how humble, nice, respectful, and Godly these children truly are. They new from the day before that I had been sick an all day long asked how I was and whether or not I needed anything. I am truly thankful for the opportunity God has given my wife and myself to serve in this capacity.

Today, we started out with a very interactive story of Noah's Ark, followed by the kids making animals, putting on animal masks, some relay racing (3 legged of course) an a lot of time with a parachute. (see pic)

Well, all from me at the moment.


One of my favorite parts of the day was the happiness the rainbows brought us. Their smiling faces were enough to cure a very dark day. I have learned to have faith and trust the Lord to take care of us. Much like the olive branch the dove gave to Noah.

1 comment:

  1. I am loving what God is teaching not only the children in Cambodia, but also those of you there to serve. Our God is Awesome. We just need to take the time to see Him at work--an opportunity both of you had this day. It is great to see the chidren's smiles in all of the photos. They speak more than a thousand words. Glad to hear you feel better, Zach. It was most likely those chicken feet that did you in. I felt sick just thinking of that meal.
    Take care. Love and prayers follow you.
    MOM, i.e., Mrs. B
