Thursday, November 12, 2009

Update on abandoned puppy(David)

So turns out Lil King David is a she. She has been renamed Autumn. In the adoption description it says she's a American Staffordshire Terrier [Mix]. She seems to be doing well and I hope to visit her soon. Hopefully Autumn gets adopted by a loving owner who will raise her and take good care of her. All of the children we will be serving yearn so deeply for loving parents to do the same. Can't imagine what feels like being abandoned and getting your hopes up every time someone comes by because it might be your day but leaving without you.

Here's some adoption information for Autumn

Adoption Description
Autumn, pictured here at 4 wks. DOB 10/3 with her foster nursing mama Chikira and 4 step-brothers DOB 10/6. She was found in a box with umbilical cord still attached at a gas station downtown ATL. Bottle fed for a week or so and found Chikira to help socialize and nurse from... She will be available after December 3rd sometime for pre-adopt - email for application. Foster mom: Julie - 770-329-4742 and email:

If you or someone you know wants to adopt her:

1 comment:

  1. Love the fact you care about the doggies too.
    Best wishes to all...
