Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Stuart & Noelle - Our Introduction, Your Invitation

Cambodia. 2012. July. It's just around the corner - a very short corner. Noelle (she's the one with the camera) and I (My name is Stuart and I'm the other one) are excited to be leading this team to Phnom Penh. This is Noelle's 4th trip and my 3rd. Noelle had the privilege of falling in love with the kids in 2008. I had the same privilege in 2009. We have an amazing team this year - rich with talent and passion.  That's one of the first things we want all the blog readers to know. We also want you to know a bit about the team that you are praying for, contributing financially to and  encouraging along the way. That's the reason we've asked everyone on the team to post a photo and a short introduction.

So, here are a few things to know about Noelle: She loves the ocean, photography, our dog Gus, Disney, cooking, painting, exploring new cultures, creating and pretty much everything but bugs and processed food. When you read about her, she sounds cool, b/c she is.

I love being in the mountains, traveling, spreadsheets (really), learning about leadership, running, ultimate frisbee, our dog Gus, and competing at most anything (the irony is that I always lose to Noelle at games which is doubly infuriating b/c she doesn't care about winning at all).

What we know about this trip is . . . is  . . . well, honestly we don't know that much. Not yet. But what we do know is this: This trip promises to be life-changing for all of us - that includes our supporters if we will invest ourselves wholly into this thing. There's no way we can come away unscathed by the depth of God's love through the smiles of these kids if we will only give God an opening. So, we invite you to open up and enjoy the ride with us. Thanks for the privilege of doing life with you over the next few months!

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