Sunday, July 17, 2011


What an amazing day!! I couldn't have asked for more fun with the kids.  Lots and lots of pictures were taken and lots of laughs were had. 

We got there this AM to lots of hugs and I couldn't have asked for more.  For the first time I walked the narrow little road to the orphanage and for the first time we took a tuk tuk from the hotel to the orphanage.  It is much more humid in July and there is a lot of dust, which makes for huge mess when in an open air vehicle... ha!  It was fun to just hang out for a while.  Then in the afternoon we played around the grounds, Samnang Big went swimming, and we got to see a pregnant pig... all make for an eventful afternoon!

There was one incident that put a tiny cloud over the day, which isn't resolved so if you could, please pray for the kids and us.  I don't want something small to become something big and I want to make the situation right for everyone.

Ok, now onto the pictures...


Alex & Heing

Kristie & Polin

Samnang Big

The Girls for Church

The Boys for Church

Rathannak & Me

Polin, Srey Leap, Me, Rathannak Stephanie, &Srey Mom small

Stephanie, Srey Het, Pony, Me, Polin

Kristie with Bananas!!

Polin & Kristie

Rothannak & Kristie



Rothannak and Lik just hanging around...

Lik and his hat

Samnang big as a monkey

Narin & Kristie

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