Monday, April 30, 2012

Going back again in July!!!!

The next summer team is gearing up to go back to Phnom Penh, Cambodia in July and I can't be more excited.  I know God has some pretty big things in store for this mission team and I can't wait to see what happens.

So far, the team has had two meeting where we have gotten to know each other and have started brainstorming about what this trip may look like.  Nothing concrete yet, but we have plenty of time for that.

Over the next few weeks we will have the privilege of introducing ourselves to you over this blog and I hope you enjoy following the journey that we take and we invite you to join us in any way that you see fit.  You may have gotten access to this blog because of a support letter or a prayer letter that you received or your friend may be a team member and just gave you the blog so you could see what we are up to.  Before going any further I want to say thank you for your interest in what God is doing in us and thru us over the next few months.

God Bless,